Pre-School Law #1 — How Soon Is Too Soon?

There are several theories that suggest different ages for pre-schools and parents are often perplexed by many conflicting answers. Pre-school programs are generally for children who are below the age of kindergarten and there is no specific time line that is available. Many pre-schools admit children as young as nine months into their programs. Pre-schools also function as a day care center and this makes them ideal for working parents. This article will outline the pros and cons of admitting a child at an early stage, and parents will then have a better understanding of when to start thinking about admitting their child.

What Is the Need for Pre-School?                  

The first and foremost question that parents have to ask themselves is whether the reason they wish to admit their children into a pre-school is valid. Working parents might find it difficult to manage their children and since pre-schools act as day care centers, they are an ideal choice. In such a case children as young as one year can be admitted. However, separating children from their mother at such an early age is not advisable and parents should think long and hard before going down this road.

If a child shows exceptional gifts at an early age, then pre-schools can be used to enhance these qualities. Gifted children tend to pick up things quickly and age is not a barrier for them. Parents can think about admitting such special children from the age of two onwards.

Place to Have Fun

Pre-schools are a place where children get together and have fun. Interacting with other children is essential and this is one of the main reasons for sending children early to a pre-school. Children who are above one and half years of age can be admitted into a pre-school for a few hours a day as long as it is not too strenuous. Keeping children occupied is always a good idea and early admission might relieve some of the boredom that children face at home.

Change of Atmosphere

Children between the age of one and three can be extremely restless at home and a change of atmosphere for a few hours every day is always beneficial. In such a case, pre-schools are ideal for even toddlers as they are exposed to different settings and views.

Playschools and pre-schools are essentially social gatherings of children and the age factor might not be a big criterion. As long as the emphasis is on fun, there is no problem as such regarding the age of entry. If parents are looking to provide their children with some basic educational knowledge, then they should wait until they cross around two and a half years
of age before they admit their child.

Ideally children should be admitted into a pre-school between six to eight months before they start kindergarten. There is no right or wrong answer and it depends on the child as well as their parents. Each child is unique and parents will be in the most suitable position to decide.

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