Our school Campus is set in a vibrant and lush green surroundings campus at the entrance of Chidambaram, just a few kilometers away from this holy city, making it easily accessible for our students. The property 10 acre (40,470 meters) sits on expansive grounds, which make it suitable for a wide variety of outdoor activities and sports.

Our propose planning process of 25m swimming pool allows each child to develop and strengthen their water skills. The multi-purpose, all-weather covered gymnasium ensures the sports programme is not hampered by the occasional tropical downpour. The purpose built Early Years Centre houses our youngest children and contains its own exclusive, age appropriate playground.

Each of the well-appointed, spacious classrooms at our school is linked to our network and we have state of the art interactive smart boards in each classroom.

Our very near future planned Secondary school building boasts specialist classrooms, including a large food technology room, ICT and science labs, and a well-resourced library with its own computer suite. The purpose built campus, with extensive playing fields and riding stables, planning mini golf course and rural surroundings is both inspirational in its layout and setting Our classrooms are bright and stimulating, enabling a full, creative curriculum to be accessed. Other facilities include air-conditioned class rooms, air-conditioned canteen, air-conditioned halls perfect for the performing arts and indoor physical education activities, IT and Science lab and library.

Many of the children live in the local community so manage to avoid the dust and noise pollution fee and greenish environment very close to Chidambaram, of course our school indeed a rare opportunity in Chidambaram!

Field Trips

Learning “beyond the classroom” is an integral part of the school curriculum and all students are involved in field trips. At Oxford English School, Field trips are optional and minimal fee would be collected from interested student.

Early Years & Elementary

In the Elementary school, there is at least one field trip incorporated into each unit of inquiry. Parental help is valued, and teachers may ask for suggestions and volunteers.


All Year 7-11 students are expected to participate in the “Week on the Wild Side” field trips that take place in early December. Throughout the school year, there are also a number of other field trips that support curriculum work and student development. If your son/ daughter is going on a field trip that involves leaving school, you will be expected to sign a permission slip attached to the bottom of an information letter or an overnight stay form. 

School Shop

The school shop is located in the school premises and operates 7am – 5 pm, Monday to Friday. School uniforms, stationary and sports items are sold here. 


Oxford English School is proud of its school uniform and students are expected to present themselves neatly on all occasions. Students should use their common sense in evaluating what is and what is not reasonable attire or appearance. Students will be advised by their teacher or Vice-Principal if it is felt that the uniform is not acceptable attire or appearance. There are also specific regulations with regard to appearance which students are required to observe, as set out in the “Uniform Regulations.”

Uniform Regulations

The Oxford English school school uniform consists of the following:


1) Socks must be white, dark blue or black and of ankle length.

2) Footwear should be closed shoes which cover the entire foot for safety reasons. They should be conservative and moderate in style without elevated heels. Boots are not permitted. *Early Years may wear sandals or easily removable styles of footwear.

3) No bicycle shorts, exercise shorts, or T-shirts with logos are to be worn under the uniform.

4) PE kit should not be worn under the uniform. *Y4 and above must bring a change of uniform on PE days.

5) Only NIST caps are allowed in school and can be worn only outside the school buildings.

6) No make-up or lipstick is to be worn.

7) No non-NIST sweaters or jackets are to be worn outside the classrooms.

8) Arrival at and departure from school should be in regular school uniform except after sporting activities.

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